Tuesday, July 15, 2008


N.B part of this article does refer to foods that i have already discussed. I have aimed to give as comprehensive a depiction as possible about certain foods that can promote a healthy lifestyle, categorized by 3 distinct groups.


The acronym below titled ABS DIET POWER depicts a list of foods that are instrumental in burning fat and especially target the abdominal region. These foods promote fat loss even in the case of minimal exercise and weight training. Product recommendations are also included to assist in determining products that will maximize the fat-burning potential.

A- almonds and other nuts : Costco sells Kirkland Almonds from Costco (48oz) for approximately $10.00. A daily handful of nuts is ideal.

B- beans and other legumes : try boiled edamame sprinkled with salt for a tasty snack. This can be found at most supermarkets and is a side at all Japanese restaurants. Eat as many beans as desired.

S- spinach and other greens : Eat as much as you feel like.

D- dairy (especially low or non-fat): Stick with non-fat dairy if possible. Non-fat ricotta is a great alternative to cottage cheese. Blend with fruit and milk to create a powerfood smoothie with many health benefits. Enjoy one daily glass of fat-free milk at the very least. Soy is a great alternative in the case of lactose intolerance.

I- instant oatmeal : A good source of complex carbohydrates. Kirkland’s mixed flavor 45 pack costs $10. Add flaxseed for a good source of Omega-3’s.

E- eggs: Stick to 4 a week and include the yolk as it is a good source of B-Vitamins.

T- turkey and other lean meats : (i.e salmon, bison, skinless chicken). Trident Salmon Burgers from Costco cost around $11.00 for 12 patties. This is wild Alaskan salmon. Combine with whole wheat bread and sun-dried tomato pesto for a heart healthy snack. Trader Joes also sells Ground buffalo meat patties (4 for $5.00) Combine with avocado, spouts and whole wheat bread.

P- peanut butter : (100% natural) Try Laura Scudders 100% Natural Peanut Butter which you can find at Costco or most supermarkets. Natural peanut butter is the type with oil floating on top. This oil promotes fat-loss.

O- olive oil : Make sure it’s 100% virgin olive oil. Many brands blend olive oil with other oils. Eating olives are as equally effective.

W- whole grains (breads and cereals) : Make sure the bread is 100% whole wheat. This is different to just whole wheat bread. Try Miltons brand 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain. A great and healthier alternative to brown rice is Quinoa which can be found at Whole Foods.

E- extra-protein powder : (a mix of casein/whey is ideal due to varying absorption rates.) Costco sells EAS protein blend for $30 (6 pounds)

R- raspberries and other blueberries : Make sure to purchase wild fruits as they pack more antioxidants.

Consuming a combination of six or more of these foods daily would maximize fat loss. Interestingly, the ABS DIET POWER consists of foods that have traditionally been considered as unhealthy. There used to be a common misconception that nuts weren’t conducive for a healthy lifestyle due to their fat content. However, the latest scientific research proves otherwise. NaturalNews.com advocates nuts such as almonds based on their ability to lower cholesterol. In essence, almonds reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol and increase the concentration of HDL cholesterol, which is the good type of cholesterol. A high ratio between HDL and LDL cholesterol indicates a healthy level. The site refers to a study that concluded that almonds reduce a person’s cholesterol by fourteen per cent. These nuts also possess fat-burning abilities. Almonds fat content is ninety per cent monounsaturated fat. The ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’ concluded that a diet high in monounsaturated fat promotes a healthy heart because it raises levels of HDL, reduces total cholesterol and it also reduces triglycerides (the amount of fat circulating in blood.) Also, the American Heart Association recommends having a diet high in monounsaturated fat as long as total saturated fat consumption is low and energy needs are balanced. This raises an interesting point because it is popular misconception to believe that the key to burning fat is to consume a low-fat diet. Modern research is claiming the contrary, as long as the diet is high in monounsaturated fat and not saturated fat. Saturated fat is generally derived from meat. This conclusion also extends to other foods high in monounsaturated fat such as olive oil, peanut butter and other nuts. A recent Penn state study concluded that a diet high in monounsaturated fat reduces the risk of heart disease by twenty one per cent compared with a low fat diet reducing the risk of disease by twelve per cent. These results from credible institutions blatantly conclude that foods such as almonds, olive oil and peanut butter are important in promoting a healthy heart and reducing fat. Studies reporting the same conclusive evidence about fat-burning fads such as Slim-Fast are yet to occur.

The consumption of lean meat is yet another great strategy to burn fat. Fish high in Omega-3 concentration including salmon, tuna and mackerel are the healthiest meats to eat. Studies have indicated the importance of Omega-3’s as it promotes mental concentration and also assists in the reduction of reduction of LDL cholesterol. EPA and DHA are the fatty acids in salmon, which facilitate neuron activity and provoke the neurotransmitters that are invoked during concentration. Lean meats such as salmon are also extremely high in protein, a macronutrient that the body needs to consume in large quantities. The U.S Department of Health and Human Services recommends a daily protein intake of seven ounces for men and five ounces for women. A good way of meeting this requirement is through eating lean meats such as fish. One serving of fish a day is an ideal consumption level. Wild fish are optimal as they contain significantly less amounts of toxins including mercury. The key in meat consumption is to avoid consuming those artery-clogging meats high in saturated fat such as steak.

The proverb ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ actually bears much truth. Fruits, especially berries and apples are important because they contain a substance called pectin. Pectin can be found in cell walls and are important in providing the fruit’s firmness. After consumption, pectin combines with water and ‘attacks’ fatty cells. This action results in the release of fatty deposits and the eventual burning up of fat by the body. Pectin is especially prevalent in raspberries and blueberries and thus these fruits have the highest fat burning properties out of all the fruits. Wild blueberries are also of extreme importance due to their high antioxidant concentration. Men’s Health reports that blueberries help reverse brain cell atrophy. This is yet another great reason to consume such a great fat-burning food

Whey protein is a natural by product of the dairy industry. It is a premium source of amino acids that are essential for burning fat, muscle growth and healthy skin cells. The Whey Protein Institute claims “Diet plays a key role in any weight management program and adding whey protein often helps make a positive difference. The Thermic effect is greatest amongst food high in protein. The thermic effect is the augmentation in energy expenditure above the resting metabolic rate after the consumption of food. The physical structure of protein results in it being a complex food for the body to process, thus increasing the intensity of the thermic effect. Whey protein also goads the release of hormones that curb appetite including cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). The benefit of whey protein is that it can be consumed any time through out the day. A protein shake can be consumed as a breakfast beverage. Adding a scoop of whey protein to a smoothie also creates a tasty and nutritious desert. Whey protein and other foods such as berries, nuts and lean meats are an effective food source for burning fat.


It is interesting to note that various foods can also bolster the immune system. In an age where most medicines have a series of side effects and once powerful drugs such as penicillin are loosing their effectiveness, it has become of increasing concern to find new remedies. It is somewhat ironic that most of these new Western remedies date back to older times in the Eastern culture. Such foods that boost the immune system include:

· Tea

· Ginger

· Blueberries

· Cinnamon

· Pomegranates

· Tomatoes

· Sweet Potatoes

· Chili Peppers

· Figs

· Mushrooms

Green tea is one of the most potent immunity boosters. It is infused with an antioxidant know as EGCG that is fundamental in reducing the risk of getting cancer. The beverage is also constituted of a substance known as phytonutrients. Phytonutrients restrict the growth of bad intestinal-bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli yet they do impede beneficial bacteria. Susan Bowerman, the assistant director for Human Nutrition at UCLA states that “up to seventy per cent of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. Four cups a day will keep it functioning at its peak.” In essence, an immune system’s well being is largely dependent on the state of the digestive tract. Consuming green tea is an intelligent way to maintain a healthy digestive tract and thus, reduce the chances of getting sick.

Figs are crammed with antioxidants and minerals such as potassium and manganese, which are essential nutrients for the body. Celebrity personal trainer Gunnar Petersen advocates Figs due to its ability to stabilize pH levels in the body, creating hostile conditions for various malignant bacteria to multiply. Figs are also very high in fiber. Fiber is essential for lowering blood-sugar levels and insulin. This reduces the risk of diabetes. Also, eating foods high in fiber increases satiation. Thus, fiber is instrumental in weight loss as consuming foods high in this substance reduces appetite. Petersen recommends eating four figs a week. Figs are yet another great example of an immunity booster. Another fruit that can help bolster immunity is the pomegranate. Pomegranates contain a type of polyphenol known as ellagitannins. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant and are important in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Studies at UCLA concluded that pomegranate juice slows down prostate cancer growth by six-fold. Drinking a cup a day of the substance provides this cancer fighting benefit. Also, blueberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants amongst all the fruits. Ryan Andrews, the director of research at Precision Nutrition states “this potent little fruit can help prevent a range of diseases from cancer to heart disease.” Wild blueberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants. Wild fruits are fruits that have been picked from the wild and haven’t been farmed in any way. Trader Joes sells wild blueberry juice for a reasonable price. In addition to its cancer fighting properties, it has been recently shown that blueberries aid in mental cognition- thus also being very beneficial in mental development and also aiding studying. Pomegranates, blueberries and figs are the most potent, immunity-strengthening fruits.

Even traditional kitchen spices are immunity boosters. Cinnamon contains an antioxidant that is essential in combating blood clotting and malignant bacteria, including the bacteria responsible for smelly breath. Nutritionist and author of ‘Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook’ state that cinnamon is also essential for preventing diabetes by stabilizing glucose levels and also reducing cholesterol. Half a teaspoon a day on top of your favorite breakfast is an ideal amount.

Mushrooms, especially shiitake and maitake mushrooms, have a high concentration of an antioxidant known as ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is essential in preventing cell mutation or other abnormal cancerous growth. Bowerman depicts the beneficial nature of mushrooms when she stated, “In short, they reduce the risk of cancer. Cooking them in red wine, which contains the antioxidant resveratol, magnifies their immunity-boosting power.”

These foods are just a few of the long list of natural immunity boosters that can intensify your well-being. Although they each seem to possess their own health-promoting niche, the most effective way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle would be to eat combinations of these foods. A blend of blueberry and strawberry juice, topped with a hint of cinnamon is an ideal cancer-fighting combo.


Another beneficial property of certain power foods is their ability to imitate a type of anabolic steroid without the negative side effects that are associated with such a modern drug. Dr William Kraemer, Professor of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut and editor of chief of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research states, “The quickest way to build muscle is to supplement your workout with six to nine grams of essential amino acids before and after exercising.” A powerfood that that satisfies this amino acid requirement best is protein. It is wise to chose a mixture that consists of a blend of whey and casein protein due to their varying absorption rates. Whey has a quicker absorption rate so it provides an almost instant boost of energy prior to a workout. On the other hand, casein is absorbed a lot slower so it provides a more lasting energy supply to continue through out a workout or even a hectic workday. EAS, a leading athletic performance company recommends that endurance athletes should consume 0.5 to 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body mass. Strength athletes should consume 0.7 to 0.8 grams where as active adults should take 0.4 to 0.5 grams. Whey protein is arguably the best food to consume in order to build muscle. Other such natural powerfoods include:

  • Quinoa
  • Eggs
  • Tofu
  • Grass-Fed Beef/ Bison
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Wild Salmon
  • Lentils
  • Greek-Style Yogurt
  • Protein Powder

Quinoa is one of nature’s best kept secrets that is still only confined to the specialty food stores at rather steep prices. This food has been a staple food source in South America for centuries and it’s healthy properties are gradually becoming notorious around the world. It is a type of grain that is more or less, consumed as a seed. It is a great substitute for whole grains and has a rather nutty taste. It consists of a full set of branch chain and amino acids that result in it’s powerful abilities to build muscle and repair skin cells. It is a very good source of fiber and high in magnesium, iron and phosphorous. Quinoa is definitely one of the top powerfoods and this is attributed to the fact that NASA is considering using it as a crop in it’s Controlled Ecological Life Support System. Quinoa is the premium, grain-based muscle builder.

Grass fed beef is another potent muscle enhancer due to it’s high protein content. The benefit of grass-fed beef as opposed to grain-fed beef is that is has a much higher ratio of Omega-3’s to Omega-6 fatty acids. This promotes the formation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid that assists in muscle growth and also depletes abdominal fat. Bowerman recommends consuming two six-to-eight ounce strips of lean beef a week.

Gone are the days when nutritionists recommended eating only the egg white. The latest research has advocated eating the yolk as well as it is a significant source of B-vitamins and selenium and iodine. More surprisingly, the slight fat content of an egg leads to faster satiation and outweigh the negative drawback of raising LDL cholesterol levels. Bowerman advises to consume three to four eggs a week during breakfast. It is recommended that weight lifters consume two eggs a day. It is fine to eat much more egg whites, as they are basically pure protein.

Chocolate milk is such an ideal post-workout recovery drink because it is high in whey protein and carbohydrates, which are two essential building blocks for muscle recovery. Lynn Grieger, an online health coach also recommends drinking chocolate milk, stating, “it tastes great while boosting calcium and vitamin D, which research shows is important for preserving cartilage and joint health.” Even the Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism concluded that chocolate milk is better than Gatorade in replacing glucose in strained muscles. Grieger recommends drinking one cup of chocolate milk after a workout.

Another great muscle builder is Greek-style yogurt. This is better than regular yogurt because it has a higher protein content, resulting in its thicker texture. It is also sweeter and thus, more appealing as a tasty snack. An eight-ounce serving of the substance per day is an ideal consumption amount.


There are plenty of conflicting opinions in the world of nutrition and medicine that discuss whether calories play an impact on weight control. A calorie is a unit of energy that it takes to raise one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Fundamentally, it does matter since someone with a three thousand daily caloric intake combined with a lack of exercise will start to put on some pounds. The key concept here is that if the daily calorie intake provided through food consumption exceeds the daily caloric expenditure, the resulting effect is an increase in fat. However, the type of food consumed has a greater impact on weight control. Dr Jonny Bowden in ReZoomHealth.com refers to a study that dates back as far as 1957 when two researches known as Kelwick and Pawan conducted an experiment to determine whether calories really matter. They organized three groups of people into those that ate a diet with ninety per cent protein, fat and carbohydrates but each group member consumed an equal one thousand calories per day. Those on the protein diet shed 0.6 pounds a day, compared to shedding 0.9 pounds and gaining a little weight for the high fat and high carbohydrate diets respectively. Similar studies have been conducted since 1957 which corroborate such evidence although there have also been some studies which do contradicts the original experiment. Penelope Green, a researcher at Harvard conducted a similar experiment with three control groups. The groups were categorized as a low-carbohydrate 1,800 daily calories, a low-fat diet of 1500 daily calories and a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet consisting of 1,500 daily calories. Surprisingly, the low-carbohydrate group loss more weight than the low-fat diet even though that group had a higher caloric intake. The low-carbohydrate, low-at diet control group performed the best considering it’s members lost the greatest amount of weight. Experiments such as these, which have been conducted by credible institutions, conclude that there needs to be a balance between caloric intake and expenditure in order to maintain weight control. However, weight control is largely dependant on the type of calorie consumed. A diet high in protein combined with some fat content and low in sugar is an optimal diet to experience weight loss. Carbohydrate consumption is healthy as long as the foods are in the form of complex carbohydrates. Digestive enzymes have to exert more work in order to break down the chains that bond sugars together in complex carbohydrates. This results in a longer digestion period and thus a slower sugar absorption rate, providing the human body with a steady supply of sugar and a heavily restricted level of sugar being converted into fat. These include one hundred per cent whole wheat bread, quinoa, oatmeal etc. Actor and celebrity muscle man, Ryan Reynolds states “load up your carbs in the morning. I advise not having any carbs after 5pm.” Carbohydrates are essential for a healthy life-style but similar to calories, the type of carbohydrate consumed is the bottom line.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The market is saturated with so-called health products. Pills that allegedly cure a myriad of health related issues involving everything from obesity to the common cold. Personal experience and clinical trials have proven that most of these remedies are as effective as placebos. The fact is that most of these health problems actually can be prevented from the all-natural source known as Mother Nature. Most of these natural cures such as green tea have been employed by the Eastern world for generations. What makes this more exciting is the fact that Western science and leading research have begun advocating these traditional, Eastern medicines. Foods that can be found on the typical American dinner table are included in these medicines including sweet potatoes and even shitake mushrooms.

Green tea is one of the most potent immunity boosters. It is infused with an antioxidant know as EGCG that is fundamental in reducing the risk of getting cancer. The beverage is also constituted of a substance known as phytonutrients. Phytonutrients restrict the growth of bad intestinal-bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli yet they do impede beneficial bacteria. Susan Bowerman, the assistant director for Human Nutrition at UCLA states that “up to seventy per cent of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. Four cups a day will keep it functioning at its peak.” In essence, an immune system’s well being is largely dependent on the state of the digestive tract. Consuming green tea is an intelligent way to maintain a healthy digestive tract and thus, reduce the chances of getting sick.

Figs are crammed with antioxidants and minerals such as potassium and manganese, which are essential nutrients for the body. Celebrity personal trainer Gunnar Petersen advocates Figs due to its ability to stabilize pH levels in the body, creating hostile conditions for various malignant bacteria to multiply. Figs are also very high in fiber. Fiber is essential for lowering blood-sugar levels and insulin. This reduces the risk of diabetes. Also, eating foods high in fiber increases satiation. Thus, fiber is instrumental in weight loss as consuming foods high in this substance reduces appetite. Petersen recommends eating four figs a week.

Pomegranates contain a type of polyphenol known as ellagitannins. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant and are important in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Studies at UCLA concluded that pomegranate juice slows down prostate cancer growth by six-fold. Drinking a cup a day of the substance provides this cancer fighting benefit.

Blueberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants amongst all the fruits. Ryan Andrews, the director of research at Precision Nutrition states “this potent little fruit can help prevent a range of diseases from cancer to heart disease.” Wild blueberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants. Trader Joes sells wild blueberry juice for a reasonable price. In addition to its cancer fighting properties, it has been recently shown that blueberries aid in mental cognition- thus also being very beneficial in mental development and also aiding studying.

Cinnamon contains an antioxidant that is essential in combating blood clotting and malignant bacteria, including the bacteria responsible for smelly breath. Nutritionist and author of ‘Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook’ state that cinnamon is also essential for preventing diabetes by stabilizing glucose levels and also reducing cholesterol. Half a teaspoon a day on top of your favorite breakfast is an ideal amount.

Mushrooms, especially shiitake and maitake mushrooms, have a high concentration of an antioxidant known as ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is essential in preventing cell mutation or other abnormal cancerous growth. Bowerman depicts the beneficial nature of mushrooms when she stated, “In short, they reduce the risk of cancer. Cooking them in red wine, which contains the antioxidant resveratol, magnifies their immunity-boosting power.”

These foods are just a few of the long list of natural immunity boosters that can intensify your well-being. Although they each seem to possess their own health-promoting niche, the most effective way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle would be to eat combinations of these foods. A blend of blueberry and strawberry juice, topped with a hint of cinnamon is an ideal cancer-fighting combo. Although nutrition is such a fundamental component of being healthy, it is still very important to combine a strong nutritional plan with plenty of cardiovascular exercise and even a weight-training regime.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Foods that kick cholesterol in the butt

There are 2 types of cholesterol-LDL(the bad type) and HDL(the good one). Food labels account for both types so it can be rather difficult in determining whether a certain food that is marked as high in cholesterol is actually good for you.

The LDL type forms plaque on your artery walls. This type is generally sticky and the smaller the LDL particle, the more malignant it is. On the other hand, the HDL actually removes the LDL cholesterol by transporting it to your liver. HDL particles are large and fluffy. I'm trying to depict this process and simply as possible. If you would prefer a more illustrative explanation of how these types of cholesterol impact your body, I will be more than happy to give one.

For those of you who are concerned about loweing cholesterol, I have presented an exhaustive list of all those foods which help combat LDL particles. Of course, the best way to combat this problem would be through exercise and a reasonable diet. Some of these foods on the list arent cheap. But they are definetely a lot cheaper than ehhh.....angioplasty.


1) Fish or fish oil
-its all about the omega-3's (omega-6's as well but they're not as prevalent)

-these foods are high in saturated fat but it is this very fat that gives rise to the HDL. these good fats abate heart disease and also diabetes.

-omega-3's. this is for vegetarians who still need a doseage of omega-3s. Tastes like crap though.

-pterostilbene may help lower cholesterol. Also a fruit with one of the highest concentration of antidioxidants. Go for the wild blueberries as they have a higher concerntation of antidioxidants.

-omega-3's. try raw almonds or 100% natural peanut butter

-minimizes plaque buildup. my favourites are miltons 100% wholewheat bread. a cheaper alternative is orrowheat.


Foods are now available that have been fortified with sterols or stanols — substances found in plants that help block the absorption of cholesterol.
Margarines and orange juice fortified with plant sterols can help reduce LDL cholesterol by more than 10 percent. The amount of daily plant sterols needed for results is at least 2 grams — which equals about two 8-ounce servings of plant sterol-fortified orange juice a day.

The key here, as in all aspects of life- is moderation. Avacados are beneficial but excess consumption implies an excess consumption of saturated fats which would have devastating consequences. A handful of nuts would be an ideal amount per day.

Friday, January 25, 2008

More Brain fodder.

Hey guys, I apologise for the hiatus. I have been incredibly busy with exams but do not fret because the blog is back....hopefully.

This is a new web address. If you are interested in my 2 whole posts from before check out http://nutrition-dietandexercise.blogspot.com It contained a variety of good stuff including what tasty foods precipitate your metabolism and different types of 'brain food'.

My first post advocated the consumption of green tea. Although green tea is an anti-dioxidant powerhouse, along with white tea- I have recently discovered a more nutritous drink-Yerba Mate. Yerba Mate is the national drink of Argentina and it has a slightly earthly taste. It has on average, 90% more antidioxidants than green tea, not to mention a cache of B-vitamins and Chromium. If you're worried about your caffeine intake, this drink has 1/3 the caffeine of coffee. Yerba mate is renowned for
stimulating your metabolism
improved mental cognition
anti-aging (due to the antidioxidants)
curbing your appetite
This tea can be found at any Trader Joes or Whole Foods (around 5 bones for 25 sachets). Also, if you're looking for teas with a twist, try Trader Joes "pomegranate white tea" or "blueberry green tea". These cost a little over 2 dollars for 20 sachets so they are definetely worth the price!

All my friends are probably sick of how much I talk about salmon. Simply put, salmon is THE superfood.
the omega-3s attribute to a lowering of LDL cholestorol (the bad cholesterol)
salmon is a premium source of protein
EPA and DHA, the fatty acids in salmon, facilitate neuron activity and provoke the neurotransimtters that help you focus
it tastes amazing

-in my next post, I want to focus on cholesterol-specifically what foods help combat this problem . I'm also going to take a non-traditional approach and argue why foods such as bacon and eggs may actually lower LDL cholesterol. I'm going to focus on the deception of food labels and why it's not the concentration of cholesterol that matters, but rather the ratio of HDL to LDL levels.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Food for thought....literally.
BRAIN FRUITS/ WINESHere are two more tasty powerfoods that solidify mental cognitive processing. The antidioxidants in strawberries and blueberries help reverse the atrophy of brain function. Strawberries aid the preservation of memory whilst blueberries improve cognitive processing. It is believed, although not proven that the difference in antidioxidant concentration amongst these two fruits result in their different effects. To maximise potency, go with wild blueberries. I prefer the wild blueberry juice from trader joes which costs slightly less than any other retail store. It tastes pretty damn good too.while im still on the topic of antidioxidants, heres a list of the top 5 red wines with the highest concentration of antidioxidants. the antidioxidant in red wine is known as resveratrol and this helps combat heart disease and cancer. The measurements are in mg/Liter1) Pinot Noir (5.01)2) Beaujolais (3.55)3) Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from Chile (1.56)4) Zifandel (1.38)5) Cabernet Sauvignon from Cali (.99)Good thing my fav red wine is at the top of the list! On a side note, on average, white and red wines have the same concentrations of antidioxidants. In the past, it was believed that red wine was the healthier of the two, as it is also constituted of the grape skin (the skin actually gives the wine it's red colour). However, this theory has recently proven to be bogus.FOODS THAT BURN FAT WITHOUT LIFTING A FINGERSorry Mens Health for being a biter but I just had to bite this list of foods which stimulate the burning of fat around the abdominal region. I have always been a strong proponent that nutrition is the most effective way of getting in shape, more so than cardio or weight lifting. Eat 6 or more of these foods daily and you will see radical changes in your physique.A- almonds and other nuts (kirkland almonds from costco are a good bet)B- beans and other legumes (go for pinto beans,baked beans has too much sugar)S- spinach and other greens (who knew that the whole dealwith popeye was actually legit?)D- dairy (go with non fat milk)I- instant oatmealE- eggsT- turkey and other meats (even better is salmon and tuna)P- peanut butter (this has to be 100% natural-try laura scudders old fashioned pb)O- olive oilW- whole grains (i.e 100% whole wheat bread by orrowheat)E- extra protein powder (EAS whey from costco is good and cheap)R- raspberries and other berriescheers
Posted by romano bastianpillai at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007

First Post
Wow, this is the first time i've ever blogged. I guess I am about 10years late, but I felt it was about time that I jumped on the bandwagon. My objective in creating this blog is accumulate all the information I have researched about nutrition, specifically how food can complement our mental capabilites and physical well-being. I'm sure the few of you that will actually read this blog will think i am acting absolutely preposterous in posting all my 'boring' information. You guys can go to hell. I'm dedicating this blog to all those people to strongly believe that mental and physical strength are synonymous and how nutrition can play such an immense impact on our lives.Heres 2 useful facts I researched about today.1) How to combat that 3 o' clock slumpAfter working in the corporate world for a little over a year, I realised( yes we aussies spell that word with an s) that almost everyone's productivity slumped after lunch. At school, I noticed that a lot of my fellow students found it much harder to concentrate after 2pm. The remedy? GINKO BILOBA. The brain needs a strong and steady fuel source in order for you to maintain a uniform concentration patter. An optimal fuel source is oxygen rich blood. Ginko aids in opening up the vessels that deliver blood to your brain and breaks up sticky platelets to help the blood flow more smoothly. Studies at Perdue have corroborated this. Consuming 184mg of the substance daily for 3 weeks increases one's productivity by 20%. You can pick up a bottle of this stuff (100 tablets) at GNC for about 12 bones. If you want to save money, another viable option would just be to exercise right before any mental activity. The exercise would also, obviously precipitate the flow of blood in your body.2) How to combat that abdominal flabThere are many answers to this question that I will hopefuly cover as long as this blog exists. However, I'm going to cover a drink that most non-asians don't consume regularly- GREEN TEA. Green Tea contains a powerful antidioxiant called EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate). I know most people are aware of the fact that tea contains antidioxidants. This herb does a lot more that restricting the free radicals in our body, it stimulates the resting metabolism and also thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is in other words, your body burning fat. So drink lots of green tea, bitches.