Friday, January 25, 2008

More Brain fodder.

Hey guys, I apologise for the hiatus. I have been incredibly busy with exams but do not fret because the blog is back....hopefully.

This is a new web address. If you are interested in my 2 whole posts from before check out It contained a variety of good stuff including what tasty foods precipitate your metabolism and different types of 'brain food'.

My first post advocated the consumption of green tea. Although green tea is an anti-dioxidant powerhouse, along with white tea- I have recently discovered a more nutritous drink-Yerba Mate. Yerba Mate is the national drink of Argentina and it has a slightly earthly taste. It has on average, 90% more antidioxidants than green tea, not to mention a cache of B-vitamins and Chromium. If you're worried about your caffeine intake, this drink has 1/3 the caffeine of coffee. Yerba mate is renowned for
stimulating your metabolism
improved mental cognition
anti-aging (due to the antidioxidants)
curbing your appetite
This tea can be found at any Trader Joes or Whole Foods (around 5 bones for 25 sachets). Also, if you're looking for teas with a twist, try Trader Joes "pomegranate white tea" or "blueberry green tea". These cost a little over 2 dollars for 20 sachets so they are definetely worth the price!

All my friends are probably sick of how much I talk about salmon. Simply put, salmon is THE superfood.
the omega-3s attribute to a lowering of LDL cholestorol (the bad cholesterol)
salmon is a premium source of protein
EPA and DHA, the fatty acids in salmon, facilitate neuron activity and provoke the neurotransimtters that help you focus
it tastes amazing

-in my next post, I want to focus on cholesterol-specifically what foods help combat this problem . I'm also going to take a non-traditional approach and argue why foods such as bacon and eggs may actually lower LDL cholesterol. I'm going to focus on the deception of food labels and why it's not the concentration of cholesterol that matters, but rather the ratio of HDL to LDL levels.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Food for thought....literally.
BRAIN FRUITS/ WINESHere are two more tasty powerfoods that solidify mental cognitive processing. The antidioxidants in strawberries and blueberries help reverse the atrophy of brain function. Strawberries aid the preservation of memory whilst blueberries improve cognitive processing. It is believed, although not proven that the difference in antidioxidant concentration amongst these two fruits result in their different effects. To maximise potency, go with wild blueberries. I prefer the wild blueberry juice from trader joes which costs slightly less than any other retail store. It tastes pretty damn good too.while im still on the topic of antidioxidants, heres a list of the top 5 red wines with the highest concentration of antidioxidants. the antidioxidant in red wine is known as resveratrol and this helps combat heart disease and cancer. The measurements are in mg/Liter1) Pinot Noir (5.01)2) Beaujolais (3.55)3) Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from Chile (1.56)4) Zifandel (1.38)5) Cabernet Sauvignon from Cali (.99)Good thing my fav red wine is at the top of the list! On a side note, on average, white and red wines have the same concentrations of antidioxidants. In the past, it was believed that red wine was the healthier of the two, as it is also constituted of the grape skin (the skin actually gives the wine it's red colour). However, this theory has recently proven to be bogus.FOODS THAT BURN FAT WITHOUT LIFTING A FINGERSorry Mens Health for being a biter but I just had to bite this list of foods which stimulate the burning of fat around the abdominal region. I have always been a strong proponent that nutrition is the most effective way of getting in shape, more so than cardio or weight lifting. Eat 6 or more of these foods daily and you will see radical changes in your physique.A- almonds and other nuts (kirkland almonds from costco are a good bet)B- beans and other legumes (go for pinto beans,baked beans has too much sugar)S- spinach and other greens (who knew that the whole dealwith popeye was actually legit?)D- dairy (go with non fat milk)I- instant oatmealE- eggsT- turkey and other meats (even better is salmon and tuna)P- peanut butter (this has to be 100% natural-try laura scudders old fashioned pb)O- olive oilW- whole grains (i.e 100% whole wheat bread by orrowheat)E- extra protein powder (EAS whey from costco is good and cheap)R- raspberries and other berriescheers
Posted by romano bastianpillai at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007

First Post
Wow, this is the first time i've ever blogged. I guess I am about 10years late, but I felt it was about time that I jumped on the bandwagon. My objective in creating this blog is accumulate all the information I have researched about nutrition, specifically how food can complement our mental capabilites and physical well-being. I'm sure the few of you that will actually read this blog will think i am acting absolutely preposterous in posting all my 'boring' information. You guys can go to hell. I'm dedicating this blog to all those people to strongly believe that mental and physical strength are synonymous and how nutrition can play such an immense impact on our lives.Heres 2 useful facts I researched about today.1) How to combat that 3 o' clock slumpAfter working in the corporate world for a little over a year, I realised( yes we aussies spell that word with an s) that almost everyone's productivity slumped after lunch. At school, I noticed that a lot of my fellow students found it much harder to concentrate after 2pm. The remedy? GINKO BILOBA. The brain needs a strong and steady fuel source in order for you to maintain a uniform concentration patter. An optimal fuel source is oxygen rich blood. Ginko aids in opening up the vessels that deliver blood to your brain and breaks up sticky platelets to help the blood flow more smoothly. Studies at Perdue have corroborated this. Consuming 184mg of the substance daily for 3 weeks increases one's productivity by 20%. You can pick up a bottle of this stuff (100 tablets) at GNC for about 12 bones. If you want to save money, another viable option would just be to exercise right before any mental activity. The exercise would also, obviously precipitate the flow of blood in your body.2) How to combat that abdominal flabThere are many answers to this question that I will hopefuly cover as long as this blog exists. However, I'm going to cover a drink that most non-asians don't consume regularly- GREEN TEA. Green Tea contains a powerful antidioxiant called EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate). I know most people are aware of the fact that tea contains antidioxidants. This herb does a lot more that restricting the free radicals in our body, it stimulates the resting metabolism and also thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is in other words, your body burning fat. So drink lots of green tea, bitches.