Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The market is saturated with so-called health products. Pills that allegedly cure a myriad of health related issues involving everything from obesity to the common cold. Personal experience and clinical trials have proven that most of these remedies are as effective as placebos. The fact is that most of these health problems actually can be prevented from the all-natural source known as Mother Nature. Most of these natural cures such as green tea have been employed by the Eastern world for generations. What makes this more exciting is the fact that Western science and leading research have begun advocating these traditional, Eastern medicines. Foods that can be found on the typical American dinner table are included in these medicines including sweet potatoes and even shitake mushrooms.

Green tea is one of the most potent immunity boosters. It is infused with an antioxidant know as EGCG that is fundamental in reducing the risk of getting cancer. The beverage is also constituted of a substance known as phytonutrients. Phytonutrients restrict the growth of bad intestinal-bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli yet they do impede beneficial bacteria. Susan Bowerman, the assistant director for Human Nutrition at UCLA states that “up to seventy per cent of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. Four cups a day will keep it functioning at its peak.” In essence, an immune system’s well being is largely dependent on the state of the digestive tract. Consuming green tea is an intelligent way to maintain a healthy digestive tract and thus, reduce the chances of getting sick.

Figs are crammed with antioxidants and minerals such as potassium and manganese, which are essential nutrients for the body. Celebrity personal trainer Gunnar Petersen advocates Figs due to its ability to stabilize pH levels in the body, creating hostile conditions for various malignant bacteria to multiply. Figs are also very high in fiber. Fiber is essential for lowering blood-sugar levels and insulin. This reduces the risk of diabetes. Also, eating foods high in fiber increases satiation. Thus, fiber is instrumental in weight loss as consuming foods high in this substance reduces appetite. Petersen recommends eating four figs a week.

Pomegranates contain a type of polyphenol known as ellagitannins. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant and are important in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Studies at UCLA concluded that pomegranate juice slows down prostate cancer growth by six-fold. Drinking a cup a day of the substance provides this cancer fighting benefit.

Blueberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants amongst all the fruits. Ryan Andrews, the director of research at Precision Nutrition states “this potent little fruit can help prevent a range of diseases from cancer to heart disease.” Wild blueberries have the highest concentration of antioxidants. Trader Joes sells wild blueberry juice for a reasonable price. In addition to its cancer fighting properties, it has been recently shown that blueberries aid in mental cognition- thus also being very beneficial in mental development and also aiding studying.

Cinnamon contains an antioxidant that is essential in combating blood clotting and malignant bacteria, including the bacteria responsible for smelly breath. Nutritionist and author of ‘Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook’ state that cinnamon is also essential for preventing diabetes by stabilizing glucose levels and also reducing cholesterol. Half a teaspoon a day on top of your favorite breakfast is an ideal amount.

Mushrooms, especially shiitake and maitake mushrooms, have a high concentration of an antioxidant known as ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is essential in preventing cell mutation or other abnormal cancerous growth. Bowerman depicts the beneficial nature of mushrooms when she stated, “In short, they reduce the risk of cancer. Cooking them in red wine, which contains the antioxidant resveratol, magnifies their immunity-boosting power.”

These foods are just a few of the long list of natural immunity boosters that can intensify your well-being. Although they each seem to possess their own health-promoting niche, the most effective way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle would be to eat combinations of these foods. A blend of blueberry and strawberry juice, topped with a hint of cinnamon is an ideal cancer-fighting combo. Although nutrition is such a fundamental component of being healthy, it is still very important to combine a strong nutritional plan with plenty of cardiovascular exercise and even a weight-training regime.

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